Top 10 Relational Needs


Respond to these questions by clicking on the appropriate number beside each item.

Strongly Disagree: -2
Disagree: -1
Not Sure: 0
Agree: +1
Strongly Agree +2

Top Ten Relational Needs Questionnaire:


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Acceptance.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Affection.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Appreciation.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Approval.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Attention.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Comfort.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Encouragement.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Respect.


Add up your responses to the items related ot the need for Security.


Add up your responses to the items related of the need for Support

Relational Needs Definitions:

The highest scores you got are your top relational needs. Focus on the top 3 highest scores as your own relational needs.

The scores will range between 0 and 10. 10 being the highest you can score in one relational need.

Acceptance: Receiving others willingly & unconditionally (even when their behavior has been imperfect) and loving them in spite of any differences that may exist between you. ☐ ☐

Affection: Expressing care and closeness through physical touch and through words such as “I love you” or “I care about you.” ☐ ☐

Appreciation: Expressing thanks, praise, or commendation, particularly in recognition of accomplishments or efforts ☐ ☐

Approval: Building up or affirming another person, particularly for who they are (as opposed to what they do); affirming the importance of our relationship with another person ☐ ☐

Attention: Conveying appropriate interest, concern, and care; taking notice of others and making an effort to enter into their respective worlds ☐ ☐

Comfort: Caringly responding to a hurting person through words, actions, emotional responses, and physical touch; hurting with and for others in the midst of their grief or pain ☐ ☐

Encouragement: Urging others to persist and persevere in their efforts to attain their goals, stimulating others toward love and good deeds ☐ ☐

Respect: Valuing one another highly, treating one another as important, and honoring one another with our words and actions ☐ ☐

Security: Establishing and maintaining harmony in our relationships, and providing freedom from fear or threat of harm through expressions of vulnerability, deepening of trust, and the successful resolution of conflict ☐ ☐

Support: Coming alongside others and providing gentle, appropriate assistance with a problem or struggle