Posts with the tag “blog”
Life At Home
by Amber Barry on December 9th, 2019
The other night my husband asked me an innocent enough question: “Do you like your life at home?” I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for four years now, and it has certainly been a dramatic change in lifestyle from my pre-motherhood days. I’m a social person by nature, a middle child who is always most comfortable surrounded by lots of people, the more the merrier. And for the majority of my life, th... Read More
Gut Check
by Amber Barry on December 5th, 2019
Have you ever said something that you regretted? Either as you were saying it, or when you saw the look on the other persons face? I have! Why is it that our brains work faster than we want them to in situations where we should be thinking before speaking? Do we say these things to be mean or to win an argument? Or is it because that is how we really feel? Let’s explore that more, shall we?I ... Read More