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Fruit: Love

Sep 8, 2019    Pastor Brian Compton    Fruit Series, Gal. 5:22-23

This message is the first installment of the "Fruit" series. We are going through Galatians 5:22-23 and talking about each fruit of the spirit.

Brian talked about love comes from the spirit. It's what Jesus produces in us if we let him. And the opposite is apathy. It's a feeling and a mindset we can develop if we aren't growing in our relationship with God.

It's develops when we stop caring about ourselves and other. We become indifferent, unconcerned, and detached. It's an attitude.

So check it out! Download our app to take notes and to see the "Love Filter" Brian references in this podcast. ENJOY!

So take a listen or a watch, and we hope that you are able to learn, grow and catch something brand new that you haven't heard before! Let's join in on what God is doing right now in our lives and be aware of all that he want to show us!

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