Young Adults Ministry

Fostering a safe space to explore and grow in faith(Loving Jesus)
Developing spiritual gifts towards meaningful outreach (Loving People)
Building community that lives life together in support of and for each other (Loving Life)

About Us

Get to know more about what makes us different.

The Young Adult Ministry exists to further the mission of Hillcrest Church in the community of young adults by: Fostering a safe space to explore and grow in faith (Loving Jesus), Developing spiritual gifts towards meaningful outreach (Loving People), And Building community that lives life together in support of and for each other (Loving Life)
The Young Adult Ministry values:
  • Real and meaningful conversation
  • Personal study and corporate teaching
  • Connection, relationship, and encouragement
And, this ministry believes in sharing a meal together, so come ready to eat!
The Young Adult Ministry includes ages 18 to 30(ish).  Join us on Saturdays at 6 pm.  Every 1st Saturday of the month we take a break so we will not meet those days.